

Weekly Tuesday practice 6-8 PM @ TBD, please check our Instagram!

  • These practices will have a full warm up, choreographies taught (in part or in full), a short discussion time, and a cool down

Weekly Thursday Practice 2:30-4:30 PM @ Multi Purpose Room, Student Activity Center in East Campus Mall (4th floor)

  • These practices are entirely optional, and more dedicated to working on individual moves or practicing choreographies taught on Tuesdays. If you are performing soon, we ask that you try to come to this practice to rehearse with the group.

Hip scarves will be provided at both practices.

If you are interested in joining, we invite you to come to a practice! If you plan to return for more practices, we have a $20 fee that covers everything for the semester (practices, costumes, etc).

If you are driving, here is a helpful link for parking if you would like to park on campus parking spaces: